
The Future of the New York City Subway B Division: R211 Subway Car Series

The Future of the New York City Subway B Division: R211 Subway Car Series

New York City, NY – MTA New York City Transit has unveiled the new cars, known as the R211s, a few years ago. These cars are to be built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Recently, a few new photos have surfaced of a few new cars in a near-complete state. What few know, is that unlike…

Massive Service Cuts in Store for SEPTA Regional Rail

Massive Service Cuts in Store for SEPTA Regional Rail

According to SEPTA, there will be massive service cuts to the regional rail network with the upcoming regional rail schedule changes for January 24th. For the most part, the cuts will increase the wait time between midday trains from one hour to two hours, with most other times unaffected. However, as it stands, this still…

Suggestions Welcome

Suggestions Welcome

Virtual Transportation Center is forever expanding with new posts, content, and updates. This time, we will allow YOU to make updates. Fill out this form below, and we will make sure that your suggestion is heard. Your suggestions will remain anonymous unless we take it, then you will be credited. Also, just know that suggestions…

Looking for Authors

Looking for Authors

Now that the rebuilt site is in an almost final state, it’s time we start looking for authors to create more content such as downloads and update posts. If you wish to join our fair team, just comment below with the job you wish to take on, and maybe some references (like posts in another…