In order to add any vehicle to your AI list, you must first locate the AI list. First, go into the folder for the map you want to modify. Find a file labeled “ailists.cfg” (if you see ailists_#low.cfg, do add more than one vehicle type to this file as it is to be for the reduced AI settings. If you wish to have modded AI on reduced AI settings, you risk overpowering your computer, should you use the lower setting).

Opening up the file

Open this file up with notepad or notepad plus, and scroll down to the an active vehicle group. In the case of Cayuga, the standard group is “Cayuga City Standard Buses.” You can also determine the standard AI group by opening up the Global.cfg file for the map, and finding the [standarddepot] tag, but this is not always accurate. The best way of determining which group is for buses is by looking for the “[aigroup_depot]” tag in the AI list, as most modern maps use multiple bus groups. In this example, we will focus on Cayuga City Standard Buses.

Swapping out vehicles

You may have noticed that I have a “URL” selected in the last screen. Well all AI lists basically use a link relative to the OMSI root to find vehicles. Both in the OMSI 1 and OMSI 2 format lists, however the OMSI 2 format lists give much more customization when it comes to conditions and numbers. However we will not be worrying about that for this, we’re simply going to add in another vehicle. You have two ways of going about this, you could…

  • add in another vehicle as an additional vehicle
  • replace an existing vehicle in the AI with another

In this example, we will be replacing, but should you want to add you simply have to perform two additonal steps:

  • Add in a new tag for your AI list, under the desired AI group, with the label “[aigroup_depot_typgroup_2]”
  • under this tag, add in the URL to the vehicle of your choice (how this is determined will be explained below)
  • under the URL, add an [end] tag, but we won’t stop there as the game will assume you want EVERY possible combination of this vehicle in your AI for now, but when we cover repaints this will be fixed.

Finding your vehicle URL

This is rather simple, all you really have to do is go to the vehicles folder of your OMSI 2, find the bus you want to add in, then replicate the directory then file in your AI list. As you can see, my folder setup is common | OMSI 2 | vehicles | Citaro Facelift UK, and the file I have selected is “MB_O530FL_Ecomat.bus” You only need everything after “OMSI 2” in your URL, as the game looks for everything beyond that folder already, so your reference in the AI list should be like vehicles\Citaro Facelift UK\MB_O530FL_Ecomat.bus

Ai List

From here, in most cases, all you have to do is add in numbers, so under your Vehicle URL you can just type them as a list, example:

vehicles\Citaro Facelift UK\MB_O530FL_Ecomat.bus


However, that may prove to be boring because they will spawn with the default repaints. So how do we fix this? Well, we reference em! Between each number and the repaint name, there are to be two tabs, the first tab references to the license plate numbers and the second refers to the repaint name. So we want them to reference the repaint name. How do we do this? Simple. Keep this formula in mind:


So the ideal reference to a repaint would look like this:

5130 M519017 Devon


Keeping in mind those are tabs, not spaces! You MUST hit the tab key on your keyboard where the tabs are referenced in the formula in order to do this properly. You can repeat this for as many numbers and repaints as you wish, it does not have to be the exact amount referenced in the map previously.

Wrapping up

Now all you have your AI list modified, here’s some things you want to know:

  • Always make sure your repaint names exist in your actual vehicles and try to avoid extra spaces. If you mess up even a little bit your buses will spawn with the default repaints instead of the paint of your choice
  • make sure the vehicle you’re putting in the AI is the one you want. Sometimes it’s good to double-check by opening the .bus file and looking at the names of files and stuff.

Hopefully this was all helpful!

About the author: Dash Verified icon 1

I have been with Virtual Transit Center since it's conception as the "Dash Forums" back in 2008. Since then, I have been writing and doing YouTube side by side, focusing both on Transportation and Gaming. Most of my knowledge comes from SEPTA as I lived in Philadelphia for most of my life. As of 2021, I am on YouTube as DashTransit, Dash5155, and TheDashOfficial.

As for the name DashTransit itself, it actually stems from my YouTube channel.

DashTransit was originally called "njt5329" and the channel was just clips of buses. Mostly SEPTA and NJT. A Fujifilm Finepix was used in this era.

Starting in July 2011, the Canon SX130IS camera became the camera of the channel, bringing HD documentary-style videos much like my buddy (trainman1971) did for DVD for many years past. This is when the channel became known as "Transit Action Series"

In May 2012, the original Canon SX130IS retired, and then all videos were recorded off a mobile phone until eventually uploaded proved too difficult due to hardships IRL

Starting in 2017, I used a Canon SX200IS from Bastranz to reboot the channel that otherwise was dead for a whole year prior.

Between April 19th, 2019, and January 21st, 2021, all videos were recorded by a Canon SX710 HS camera. The channel was renamed DashTransit 4/19/19.

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