DDOT's 2017 New Flyer Xcelsior XD40
A 2017 Xcelsior XD40 signed on as Route 4 WoodWard

Detroit, MI – Detroit Department of Transportation has received its first 4 electric buses from Proterra. These buses were delivered to the Shoemaker Terminal in eastern Detroit.

On August 1st, 2019, the Detroit Department of Transportation (also known as DDOT) and Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (also known as SMART) were awarded $2.6 million in grants by the FTA. These Federal Transit Administration grants enabled these Southeast Michigan transit agencies to purchase six electric buses as well as build charging infrastructure.

Proterra, a California-based electric bus manufacturer, has secured many orders for electric buses from Philadelphia to Los Angeles, making them the largest manufacturer of electric buses in the United States.

These buses were scheduled to be delivered and tested in 2021, to replace older diesel buses within both Detroit DOT and SMART. However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, they were put on hold.

As of February 4th, 2022, four of six Proterra ZX-5 electric buses have been delivered to DDOT’s Shoemaker Terminal. As of now, there has been nothing shared whether or not SMART has received their electric buses.

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