OMSI 2 Repaints

Repaints for OMSI 2 and OMSI vehicles. Repaints are texture files, which change the livery for any specified vehicles.

Gillig Low Floor Repaint Pack

Gillig Low Floor Repaint Pack

This repaint pack for OMSI 2 brings several new liveries to the Gillig Low Floor. These repaints are all for the forty-foot version and include the following: Disney Transport (two variants) Pierce Transit Port Authority of Allegheny County (multiple colors) San Antonio Via (old and new liveries) Tompkins TCAT (with CAT version included) Transport of…

Van Hool AGG300 – TransLink Sweep-R Livery Repaint Pack

Van Hool AGG300 – TransLink Sweep-R Livery Repaint Pack

Alternate Download Link This pack contains 3 liveries that I have quickly whipped up & have been requested to release, so here they are. Support will be minimal for this.Installation is straightforward, just extract to your OMSI 2 root folder. Requires:

GM/MCI Classics of British Columbia

GM/MCI Classics of British Columbia

Various liveries from the first order of BC Transit GM Classics in 1987 to the 1989 models. 1990 models (6V92/Voith D863.3ADR) are not available in the Classic pack yet.   More info on the fleet numbering of these Classics: Metro Vancouver:pre-1996 numbering (varied by Transit Centre in Vancouver) – numbering: 1987 GM: (DD 6V92TA/Allison V731) 1989…

New Flyer LF Series Buses of British Columbia

New Flyer LF Series Buses of British Columbia

This pack includes various liveries from around British Columbia for the New Flyer models. I’ve included the following liveries in this pack:D40LF: BC Transit (Provincial, 1990’s Vancouver, Modern Provincial, 1990’s West Van), TransLink (2000s West Van, Sweep)D60LF: TransLink (99 Bee-Line, Sweep, Modern B-Line) WARNING: the Chicago (paid) & New Flyer Powertrain Mod (free) add-ons are required! download…