Chicago (Midwestern Edition)



Latest Release

January 1st, 2024

Scroll down for dependencies. You will need to download ALL of them in order for this map to work. The update link for 2024 is at the bottom of the page.

Chicago (Midwestern Edition) (2024)
Once upon a time Cayuga 0.5 was the beginning of a map dynasty from creator Dash5155. As time went on I began to take on the task to develop my vision of Chicago and RTA’s operations through his map and once Cayuga 0.6 came around the progress of 0.5 had already begun to take shape and I stuck with the challenge to not only expand the map but make it my own.
Brief Rundown:
Alright, so you’re probably wondering why the map has its own unique name now after so many years of using the default “Cayuga” and then added “midwest”. After the last several months of revamping and expanding so many parts of the maps, it has really dawned on me that this is nearly close to what Chicago is in real life to a degree, and since it is my hometown I might as well give this map a new name to represent what a virtual Chicago would look like through my lens and creativity. A majority of the routes in the map resemble routes from Chicago Transit Authority and Pace in some form along with each of many neighborhoods also representing parts of Chicago’s rich culture and history. I hope everyone gets used to the new name.

I would also like Credits to the following users that have helped me along the way through the development of Chicago (Midwestern Edition) (2020 W.I.P). I feel like there is more but I can’t remember everyone.

Fishbowl 5227

Additional Requirements

NameTypeFully Required?Link
“Offline” Sceneryobjects and SplinesObjects PackFull InstallExternal Download Thumb
GrundelphiaMapMap OnlyVTC Thumb
LibertyMapMap OnlyVTC Thumb
Cayuga USAMapFull InstallVTC Thumb
WillshireMapMap OnlyVTC Thumb

Chicago Midwestern 2024 (Patch 1.0)

I’ve worked on this patch on and off over the past couple of years and I can finally release the first of many more in the future. Installation is very clear cut. Updated the hof files and added in a few more updates to the scenery.


New update coming soon everyone!

Also for everyone that is planning or has already downloaded the map please make sure you install everything correctly and replace all required files in their respective folders because if you don’t your map will not work properly at all. Also please make sure you have all required dependencies installed correctly as well. Otherwise, your map will not work.

Download these links below if you’re downloading the map for the first time.  (You must download every link and extract the contents to your scenery-objects folder.)

Sceneryobjects 2021

Splines 2021

Repaints Final Version (Fixed opacity for New Flyer issues) As of -2/25/20

Loading up OMSI 2 Add-On Maps for the First Time

CTA Bus Roster

2000-2002 NOVA LFS(6400-6883): Retirement in Progress
Engine: Cummins ISC
Transmission: ZF 5HP552C

2006-2009 New Flyer D40LF(1000-2029)
Engine: Cummins ISM
Transmission: ZF 6HP592C

Engine: Cummins ISL
Transmission: ZF 6HP594C

(1930-2029) Allison B400

2006-2007 New Flyer DE40LF
Engine(5900-5909): Cummins ISL

Transmission(5900-5909): Allison EP-40 Hybridrive System

2008-2009 New Flyer C40LF
Engine(5910-5949):Cummins ISL
Transmission(5910-5949):ZF 6HP594C

2008-2009 New Flyer DE60LF (4000-4207)
Engine: Cummins ISL
Transmission: Allison EP-50 Hybridrive System

2014-2016  Nova LFS Smart Bus (7900-8325)
Engine: Cummins ISL9
Transmission: ZF6AP1400B

2018-2022 Nova LFS Smart Bus (8326-8499)
Engine: Cummins L9
Transmission: ZF6AP1400B

Also, make sure you download all links made available in the requirements above! and to gain a quicker response join the official Virtual Transportation Center Discord server!
Post has been updated as of 5:30 AM 1/1/24